Your Karate Journey Begins Here

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“Do not strike others, and do not allow others to strike you. The goal is peace without incident” – Chojun Miyagi.

There are fancier and more elegant quotes from past karate masters but it is this simple, common sense expression that encapsulates what we train for in Goju Ryu.

As a student of Goju Ryu Karate-Do, you will be taught a mixture of striking methods, close range gripping/throwing/tripping skills and rudimentary groundwork from the perspective of a self defence encounter or as a technical exercise for physical development.

These physical skills are taught with kata as their foundation. Often misunderstood and poorly utilised, kata, when understood correctly, holds the all the necessary principles required for effective self defence and provides an excellent form of solo practice.

Alongside this you will be taught the fundamental “soft” skills  that will be essential in developing your awareness, analysis, avoidance and de-escalation abilities relevant to a potentially harmful encounter. Hence the “peace without incident” part above.

This is achieved by learning modern self defence ideologies in tandem with traditional karate philosophy. Which, when taken in context, provide an excellent model of behaviours to keep you as far from violence as is reasonably possible.

Whilst the above is all true, it is just a fraction of what karate can offer someone who dives in and is willing to learn all the system has to offer.

It is my sincere hope that after only a short time with us you will see the benefits clearly and will take karate with you for the rest of your life.

Thank you so much for your time.

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